Everything you create online has a carbon cost. Every email sent, every attachment attached, every Miro board you set up for a workshop then leave in the Miro graveyard to rot. They are all data, somewhere on a server, probably in a desert being cooled by energy-hungry air-con.
When you create something or store something, always ask yourself if you need to and, if you do, do you need to keep it forever. If you can make a few less things, or tidy as you go, the planet will thank you (and so will your future self who has to tidy it all up whenever you move jobs).
Some tips for Miro best practice:
📅 Give your boards useful names (sounds obvious but you'd be surprised). Date them in their title or mark them as work in progress or complete, workspace or artefact and so on.
🗄 Create project spaces and store your board appropriately so they can be found by others.
ℹ Start each board with a frame including the projects name, purpose of the board, dates the board is in use, and contact details for the team. This lets others know at a glance if a board is useful to them, if its still current, and if it should be kept.
⛳ Set your cover image, set your start view and use the description section to help people arriving on your board get familiar.
⤵ Use rows, columns, big titles and arrows to keep your board in a logical order to navigate.
🆕 Don’t necessarily start a new board for every new workshop or artefact. I try to use three per project - one as a workspace, one for workshops and one for the finalised artefacts to be presented and shared.
🌿 But don’t let you boards get too big or they will take ages to load. Prune them or look for a sensible break point to take a new board.
Any others you would add to this?