Ginger, vegetarian, designer.
Ginger, vegetarian, designer.
Ginger, vegetarian, designer.
A fashion collection for 2010-2025
Kingston School of Art, Kingston University, 2016
Research, campaign, photography, social design
"Waste is symptomatic of a failed relationship."
—Jonathon Chapman, Emotionally Durable Design
‘Marriage’ encourages a sustainable approach to buying clothes which focuses on the stories and personalities clothing acquires with wear. The fashion 'collection' is found rather than made. The project includes the design of a service, a magazine exploring the sustainable and community led options for fashion, and a poster campaign celebrating the beauty of well-loved clothes.
Everyone has a story about their oldest garment which they can't bear to throw away, a memory associated with something they wore in childhood, or a garment they've always dreamed of but never had. You can’t buy the detail, personality, stories and love that are part of these garments. Even though most of them will have been produced en masse, they are unique and impossible to replicate. These items, battered, tired, and in some cases, falling apart, are much more valuable than their new counterparts.